About The Author

Vince Nepolitan

Vince Nepolitan was raised in an underprivileged area in Las Vegas. He had a tough time growing up – losing most of his family members to drug overdose and dealing with his parents’ abandonment. Even though he did not have it easy growing up – his father even convinced him to sell drugs at school – Nepolitan continued to struggle and made something of himself

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Vince Nepolitan’s Chapters

Book Chapters


The Beginning

The beginning of my story is, of course, the beginning of my parents’ story. Without them, there wouldn’t even be a story for me to write about.

Ліцензія в казино онлайн і технології шифрування для захисту особистих і фінансових даних гравців

ліцензія в казино онлайн є важливим документом, який підтверджує легальність його діяльності та дотримання правил і стандартів. Коли казино отримує ліцензію, це означає, що воно пройшло строгий контроль з боку регулятора, який оцінює не лише його фінансову стабільність, а й безпеку ігрових процесів. Ліцензія забезпечує гравців впевненістю у тому, що ігри проводяться чесно, а особисті дані захищені.

Вибір ліцензованого онлайн-казино — це запорука безпеки та позитивного досвіду гри. Гравці можуть бути впевнені, що їхні виграші будуть виплачені, а обслуговування клієнтів працюватиме на високому рівні. У світі азартних ігор наявність ліцензії є найкращим показником надійності та довіри.



Childhood is a fragile territory; no matter how delicately you step on it, you are bound to leave cracks over the field – some far bigger and deeper than the others.



Your school years are considered to be some of the best of your life. You make great friends, you enjoy yourself, and while studying might seem tough,

book cover of renovate me by vince nepolitan

Why Read It?

Renovate Me

As Vince Nepolitan wrote in his book, “Holding on to past pain is also detrimental to your physical and mental health. Thus remember that forgiveness is a priceless gift that you give to both others and yourself. I know that some of you who are reading this story might be dealing with seemingly insurmountable challenges.” His new book will help readers find closure in the current and ongoing dilemmas where they believe there is no way out – Vince says there is and faith is needed.

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Video of

Renovate Me

Renovate Me is a book about Vince, his past, and his present life. Watch the official trailer as it shows his upbringing as a child being abused and neglected, drug addiction and family issues, and living in the streets at a young age made life more challenging for him. The author lost most of his family to drug overdose, but he ended up beating the odds of becoming like them and currently has a successful career.


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Have a look at how readers took the author’s aim to help others understand that no matter how hard things may seem, no matter how many things have gone wrong in their life, they can change the outcome and become successful.